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CEO Speak - SAP India's MD Peter Gartenberg: India has a 24x7 work culture that you don't see in Europe
Tuesday, 3rd May 2011
There's a kind of 24x7 work culture you see in India that you don't see in Europe. That has a lot of impact on work life balance. But that's one of the things I love about working in India--you run all the time. I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area, where I worked in the early days in Silicon Valley. I think, because there are a lot of Indians there and foreign expats, they bring that energy and work culture so I was really comfortable with that.

When I was in Europe, I had a problem with having a weekend where you weren't allowed to work. At 6 o'clock, you were supposed to end the work day and you didn't call anybody--it was far more segmented. But I like that round the clock dynamism [in India]; that's the way SAP people work... it's more SAP India. It's not unusual that we work during the weekends. If at night we have something we need to catch up on, we do a lot of that so the day just kind of continues round the clock; I like that.
Publication : Forbes
TAGS : ceo speak  sap india  peter gartenberg  


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