Interview - Cognizant MD R Chandrasekaran: How we cracked Fortune 500 list
Friday, 27th May 2011

Interview - Cognizant MD R Chandrasekaran
Three years ago, you were in the Fortune 1000. Now, you are in the Fortune 500, at 484. What are the reasons you attribute to this phenomenal growth?
Definitely our financial model has helped us to grow and be in the Fortune 500 in such a short period. That is reason number one.
In addition to this, it is not just the financial model; it is the operating model also which has brought in fresh air in the market place. Most of our customers think that we are very different.
We bring not only the cost advantage and value of being an offshore service provider, we are also able to bring good customer relationship. It is a unique blend of consulting-driven, relationship-driven management, backed by very solid delivery capability. We keep investing in technology to continuously upgrade ourselves.
So, it is a unique blend of what the big four consulting companies used to do and the traditional offshore players used to do. We have been able to combine the best of all the worlds!
The third reason is our ability to attract talent is a great source of strength for the organisation whether it is in India or outside.
Publication : Rediff
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