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New Delhi brothels get ready to receive Commonwealth Games visitors
Monday, 31st May 2010
Fancy tiles have replaced the otherwise paan-stained walls and English lessons are being given to the residents of a red light area here ahead of the Commonwealth Games. While the civic agencies are busy sprucing up the city ahead of the sporting carnival, the NGOs and owners of the brothels in Delhi''s oldest red light area on GB road have taken it upon themselves to improve the living conditions as their repeated requests to officials have fallen on deaf ears.

Their joint effort appears to have paid off in many of the 84 brothels. While fancy tiles now decorate what were once stained walls, split air-conditioners, refrigerators and LCD TVs have appeared as the latest additions in these brothels which too hope to benefit from the Games extravaganza when thousands of tourists are expected to flock the capital.
Publication : Yahoo India
TAGS : sexuality  se work  brothels  sex work  new delhi  


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