Beauty queen, call girl, photographer Pamella Bordes traced to Goa
Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

Pamela Singh, who was known as “Pamella Bordes” when she figured in quite a classy sex scandal in Britain 21 years ago – especially when compared with the tawdry affairs involving today’s footballers – has been tracked down to her new life Goa.
“Miss Bordes has a new name,” says the Daily Mail.
It is wrong in that respect – Pamela Singh is her own name under which she won the Miss India contest in 1982.
Pamela became “Pamella” when the beauty queen travelled west, first to America and then to Britain, where she arrived having married a Frenchman with the surname “Bordes”.
In 1988 and 1989, when she worked as a “researcher” at the House of Commons, she got the newspapers hot and bothered after she was photographed one evening in the company of Colin Moynihan (now Lord Moynihan), the Tory sports minister. She was what westerners consider “exotic”.
She was certainly a pretty girl who was for a while the girlfriend of Andrew Neil, then editor of The Sunday Times. Donald Trelford, the editor of the rival Observer, a newspaper with a much bigger size than it boasts now, also sought her attention, it was said at the time.
Publication : Telegraph