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iGATE Patni to have new logo, common name, leaders
Thursday, 12th May 2011
iGate and Patni will have a a common identity called iGATE Patni and a new logo.

This common identity will be represented by leadership across both the organizations with Sean Narayanan, Sujit Sircar, Srinivas Kandula, David Kruzner and Robert Massie from iGATE and Sunil Chitale, Satish Joshi, Derek Kemp and Vijay Khare from Patni as the proposed key executives.

Talking about the talent in iGATE and Patni, Phaneesh said, "The mood across employees in both the organizations is upbeat and I see a clear enthusiasm in both teams eager to come together to create a competitive entity."

"Tagged as the Best Employer in India over three years now, we will strive to ensure a great career experience and a cohesive environment for all 26,000 employees in days to come. In our integration programs too, our goal is to ensure total smoothness with no disruption in the existing day jobs," he concluded.

Highlights of iGATE and Patni together:

Employee Base of 26,000 and a client base of 360.
Two $100 million dollar clients, two $50 million dollar clients and 36 $5 million dollar clients.
Top five accounts contributing to 38% and top ten accounts contributing to 49% of revenues.
10 Delivery centers across India, Mexico and Australia, and over 50 offices in 20 countries.
TAGS : patni  igate  acquisition  


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