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An insider's account of IIT-Madras student Nitin Kumar Reddy's suicide
Tuesday, 10th May 2011
Various explanations have been offered to IIT-Madras student Nitin Kumar Reddy's suicide. The IIT officials have reportedly blamed it on his fragile mental state. But for others - Nitin's friends and even concerned readers -- it was plain official apathy, which drove Nitin to take his life.

A News247 reader Abhimanyu Reddy, presumably with an intimate knowledge of the incident posted - in the comments section - a detailed account of the chain of events that led to Nitin's death.

The News247 team thinks Abhimanyu's account points at many serious problems with the functioning of our educational institutions. We shared this with IIT Madras officials requesting them to give their response.

After three days and two reminders, they are yet to do so. In the meanwhile, we decided to pull up Abhimanyu's post, which is now buried in the comments and highlight it to our readers, many of who have missed it. Here is what he posted, without any changes:

"Nitin's project included two parts. The first part is a simulation which is a very major. and the second part is the experimental evaluation of his simulation using an engine. He had finished his simulation a week before he left us.

He was trying to fix the engine which unfortunately failed. He sought his guide (Manivannan's help). He had asked him to talk to the technical staff of the lab so that they can fix it for him. I heard he tried for a while but they were not responding properly. My guess is that he must been irritated due to the same and tried fixing it himself. which dint happen.

Finally on the day when he had to submit the thesis, the engine wasnt ready. He told the same to the prof. The prof says "take your thesis and throw it in the bay of bengal. and please get out of this room first." Nitin tries talking to him. Manivannan takes him to HOD and tells something to him which no one what. consequently the HOD says "I cannot take your abstract because you are getting an extension for 6 months."

According to a friend who works in the same lab, his work will positively take 2 weeks to finish at the max. If the prof can talk to the student and the tech staff and make sure that the staff help the student when required, then this kinda thing wouldn't have happened.�
TAGS : campus  iit  


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